This session was special again, like every session is in RTC.
Firstly, there were no regular project speeches but we arranged two demo speeches with internal faculty for the benefit of new members and enthusiastic guests.
Secondly, for the first time RTC played host to two Omani gentlemen, increasing the diversity of the audience in a thoroughly welcome manner.
Thirdly, RTC timers graduated from using colour-flags to using the light-box for indicating time.
SAA TM Raja flagged off on time as usual. We had 4 guests, including Raghuram, our erstwhile club member.
President MTM Panna spoke about success, with a poem thrown in like earlier, from her current favourite guide-book Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. She also presented the 2 first-time guests with Guest Welcome Kits.
TMOD Saleem had picked as his theme "Health" and his presentation was an adaptation from his P-3 speech. In fact, the subject matter came across much better as a TMOD theme than it had as a project speech.
Timer TM Viswanath explained the criteria like a veteran. One could see that he was pretty bucked at the new addition of a light-box and was looking forward to putting the flags aside. Enjoy, TM.
Wordmaster TM Chaitanya introduced TEPID as the word of the day. It was a very friendly word to apply in any role and most of the role-players could insert it in their speeches. Good show chaps.
Jokemaster TM Venkat-the-veteran this time regaled us with a story of monkeys being bought and sold in a village that was found finally to be a representation of the stock market. The final parallel, when revealed, was really funny.
The first demo speech was a P-1, The Ice Breaker, and TM Rajat described the evaluation criteria for the same.
The P-1 demo speech was delivered by TM Nagesh titled "Rolling Stone", in which he described his life that had been full of changes. It was a good P-1 speech and, as the GE commented later, TM Nagesh had perfectly simulated the nervous characteristics of an authentic P-1 deliverer! Now what did that mean...
MTM Panna described the evaluation criteria of the upcoming P-2 speech, which wanted the speaker to Organise His Speech.
P-2 demo speech was delivered by MTM Kaviya, titled "Resolute Resolution", about the travails of making and keeping resolutions. As earlier, it was a straight and powerful speech and a very good demo of the project.
Table topics were taken up by TM Mathen, who had kept ready various topics based on health. TM Mathen's topics are never un-speakable and all members and guests who had a shot at it returned triumphant. Again, as GE mentioned later, some table topic speakers had overshot their brief. Mrs Radha had practically given a P-1 speech of 4 mins and TM Ramalingam had once again morphed into his Jokemaster role. Versatility, thy name is RTC!
TM Rajat and MTM Panna delivered the evaluation of TM Nagesh and MTM Kaviya's speeches respectively. Two accomplished speakers had given these demo speeches for the benefit of new members and guests, but it was interesting to hear the evaluators give them feedback as if they were speakers at P-1 and P-2 levels. Quite amusing, in fact!
MTM Usha was the Grammarian and gave feedback on the Ah-count and the usage of English, both of which turned out to be very mild rebukes to the group. Either RTC had touched new heights in linguistic proficiency, or MTM Usha's impending visit of her daughter had mellowed her down. Either way, we were happy.
TM Raja, having donned the robes of the GE, gave a glowing tribute to the smooth running of the session, in particular to the stellar performance of the SAA, viz TM Raja. He once again repeated that we should remember to address the speakers with the prefix TM and MTM.
TM Mathen conducted the Business Session for fixing up next week's major roles, viz project speeches and TMOD. Members seem to be developing leadership qualities inasmuch as they are becoming good negotiators. TM Mathen could wangle some "maybes" and "will tell you after 2 days". Come on TMs, let's not give him a hard time.
President MTM Panna praised the overall non-tepid session, announced the awards and adjourned for tea and snacks.
The day's awards were:
- Best Table topic: Mr Ahmed
- Best Evaluator: MTM Panna
- Best Speaker: MTM Kaviya
Crisp reporting of the proceeds, as always. Well done TM Rajat. 👏👏👏