Just 4 sessions away from the grand century and our hall was full of guests. That's a good omen, right?
The session kicked off bang on time at 3.15 pm. Really, SAA TM Raja is becoming a past master at managing the whole show.
President MTM Panna could not help needling us a bit as she related a story about porcupines - how they huddled together for warmth in winter, how they were irritated by each others' pricking and moved away only to die in the cold, how they chose to ignore those small injuries for the greater good of the group and the pleasantness of a shared warmth and huddled together again. The group relationship is much more rewarding than individual discomforts, she said, and we agree.
TMOD TM Sabu had adopted as his theme "Stress Management", a subject so common that we take it for granted in our lives. But we need not do so, assured TM Sabu, and went on the explain how stress could be avoided and even if already in action, how it could be neutralised. A good theme TMOD and well conducted.
Timer role was taken up by MTM Roman and she waved the flags to perfection, reeling off all the criteria from memory.
Wordmaster MTM Rita had chosen the word ILLUMINATE for the day, in keeping with the seasonal festival of lights (so apt MTM). Everybody reeled off sentences using the same quite easily. Guest Mr Srinivasan suggested that we should include prases and idioms also in this practice, which is a great idea indeed.
Jokemaster TM Vaishali regaled us quite thoroughly with her softly uttered jokes that made her ounch lines quite the feather touch.
TM Venkat introduced the evaluation criteria for a P-6 speech scheduled today, which showcases Vocal Variety. The audience was all agog to be regaled with a mix of stand-up comedy and Italian opera.
P-6 speech was delivered by TM Nagesh titled "Fix 2R". Based on the theme of teaching children to respect their teachers, the speech incorporated some lively dialogue between teachers, students and fathers that paid homage to the speech objectives. A good theme indeed, TM Nagesh.
Table topics were conducted by TM Raja, who had selected topics of common interest on which everyone could speak from their own experience. There was lively participation, including two guests who put their inhibitions aside and waded in.
Evaluation for the P-6 speech was delivered by TM Venkat and he encouraged the speaker on his project effort while pointing out a few areas of improvement.
Grammarian TM Ramalingam fulfilled his default role of Jokemaster more earnestly than that of Grammarian, having very few suggestions for impovement in English. Kudos to the club for such stellar improvement (I am using earlier word of the day, see?)
General Evaluator TM Viswanath appreciated the direction signboards that had been put outside the building and hall to aid guests. He gave an important suggestion to role players to wait on stage at a standstill till the next role-player came up and shook hands, in order to exhibit a classy changeover routine. Point noted GE.
There was a special session by TM G Kumar on the upcoming DTAC (District Event) in May 2018 for which registrations had already started. This time DTAC is in Oman and is a golden opportunity for Oman residents to attend such an event at the minimum cost. So why don'y you guys register and also avail the early bird rates before 20th Oct? RO 58 only, a steal for the 2-day event people. Login, pay up and enjoy!
Business session was conducted by MTM Kaviya but volunteers for the next session were few, given that it was Diwali season. In any case, there is going to be a session.

The day's awards were:
- Best Table topic: Mr Sethuraman
- Best Evaluator: TM Venkat (default)
- Best Speaker: TM Nagesh (default)
Spectacular review of the session. The words are so lively on the way the session progressed. Wonderful work TM Rajat.