Quote of the Day

If you have nothing to say, better say it quickly.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Session 142

A great session once again, guys. Attendance was slightly on the lower side as the seasonal celebrations enticed the members to stay at home and prepare food. Really, those who are missing out...are missing out. Period.

SAA Viswanath started the session with a beautiful quote on challenges AND he started bang on time. That itself is often a challenge.

President Rajat, as usual, told a joke and continued with the homily that leaders, like car drivers, cannot afford to sleep

TMOD Panna had planned her session with the theme "Challenges". To her, every challenge is an opportunity. She introduced all role players by relating their answers to questioned she had posed, related to challenges in their roles. A good way to go about the business of TMOD-ing.

Timer TM Saleem, visiting after a long time, laid down the timing rules with panache.

Wordmaster TM Mehta, taking up a role for the first time, introduced the word BONANZA to the audience. Since the word had been published two days earlier, people came up with good usage during the round robin.

Jokemaster MTM Sandhya, also taking up a role for the first time, related some really freshly caught saltwater jokes, that had the audience in delighted laughter.

Evaluator TM Viswanath laid down the criteria for the upcoming Icebreaker speech.

TM Sethuraman delivered his Pathways Icebreaker titled "Myself - VSN". In a free-flowing and humorous speech, VSN took us through a quick bio and ended with the interests in his life. Could you imagine he had taken dance lessons from Shamak Davar? We are impressed VSN.

Evaluator TM Kumar described the criteria for the upcoming Level 1 speech on Research and Planning, which is supposed to be a speech that had been researched on a topic unfamiliar to the speaker.

TM Rajat delivered his Pathways Level 1 Research-based speech titled "Black". Talking about blindness, their types, their extent and their cures, he enlightened the audience on a subject not often talked about.

Table topics were conducted by MTM Usha, who we were happy to see after a gap. The topics related to the theme and brought out both brain and heart in the speakers. A good round of speeches indeed.

TM Viswa delivered his evaluation of TM Sethuraman's Icebreaker speech, praising in particular his ease on stage, something we had all seen in all the roles that he had played.

TM Kumar evaluated the speech of TM Rajat, appreciating in particular his smooth integration of powerpoint with his words. 

General Evaluator TM Bhaskar gave glowing feedback on all the role-players. However, to add on to his comments, it is suggested that the table topic master not hand over the written topic to the speaker, to improve his or her listening skills.

Business session was conducted by MTM Panna on behalf of VP-E and we noted the following plans for 20th Oct - TMOD by TM Viswa, Icebreaker speeches by TMs Shanavas and Sumesh. Mentors, do take note of this and help the speakers prepare.

President delivered the closing address. New member participation had been particularly good this session and that is always energising.

The following were the awards for the day.
  • Best speaker:     TM Rajat/Sethuraman (joint)
  • Best evaluator:   TM Kumar
  • Best table topic:  TM Sumesh
  • Best role player:  MTM Sandhya (Jokemaster)

See you all again on 20th October 2018.

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