We could not have been prouder than Sachin Tendulkar when he completed his first century.
100 sessions in 112 weeks. That's an impressive run for a club by any standards. When I was talking to DTM Pelian Wang and DTM Rajendra Verma after the session they expressed astonishment at the fact that 3 club members completed CLs before CCs. Usually it happens the other way around, because the members are usually more keen on self-development. You know why it was different for Ruwi Club? Because members give their everything to this club - their time, their effort and their commitment. Week after week. That is why the 100th session was special to us.
We had a challenge - how to make the session special without deviating much from the standard TMI recommended session structure. As is usual in our special sessions, the imagination of TM Chaitanya kicked in. Having emceed the 50th session as a detective and the 75th session as an IPL captain, he now donned the robes (or rather, the dark glasses) of a film director.
It was to be an awards night - the much-awaited "Toastwood Awards", for which the media awaits throughout the year with fresh film fed into their cameras. The role-players would be part of a film production crew, their usual toastmaster roles masquerading under their filmy roles. The agenda, kept a dead secret by TMOD Chaitanya, reflected this double-role played by all throughout the session. An imaginative variation indeed from standard fare.

The guest list looked like a who's-who of the Oman Toastmastering World. All Division Directors in Oman, all Area Directors under Division D, all Presidents under Area 08, and stalwarts like DTM Srikumar Pai and George Thomas had been invited and added their blessing to this young club that was busy adding rocket fuel to its engines. The club members were also enthused by the fact that their families were present to witness the scintillating ceremony.
The session was kicked off bang on time at 5.30 pm by Asst Director (SAA) TM Raja. He graciously welcomed all members, their families and dignitaries before reeling out the usual warnings and oaths, at which he is an expert by now.
The Executive Producer (President) MTM Panna Rashmi Ray declared the session open with a congratulation to all members. Keeping up with tradition, she related a story about Amitabh Bacchan where he was taught the value of a stone by his father. The stone fetched different values when offered to different types of people and the message she imparted was that know your own value, your own self-worth and keep increasing it by polishing. A great message for a celebratory session, Prez.
The Director TMOD Chaitanya was introduced, wearing dark glasses aka MGR. He introduced the Toastwoods Awards Nite as the theme and looked forward to a star-studded evening (hence the shades).
Set Manager (Timer) MTM Roman explained the timing criteria beautifully.
There was a Screenplay (Round robin) session by TM Nagesh, in which, in an expected twist, he played a film clip from the iconic Hindi film "Sholay", where the drunken hero Dharmendra was about to jump off a water tower unless his lady-love agreed to marry him. The screenplay-writer, who was looking for alternative endings to the scene, requested help from the audience members (mainly the guests), who pitched in with their own experiences in the matter.
The Comedian (Jokemaster) TM Ramalingam took the stage with his usual panache. Apart from the fact that his mere presence provokes laughter, he regaled us with a few toastmaster situational jokes that for once stayed away from husband-wife skulldruggery.
Media Critic (Evaluator) for the upcoming P-9 speech, DTM Rajendra Verma, described the criteria for this project, which is supposed to Persuade with Power.
Actor TM Rajat Ray delivered his P-9 speech titled "Different Strokes". Trying to convince the audience to take up painting as a tool for dealing with stress, he took them through his own experience in the matter and offered the audience various modes and tools for playing with colours. A difficult subject to persuade people on, though all enjoyed the speech.
Media Critic (Evaluator) DTM Ramki described the criteria for the upcoming Keynote Speech, which is an inspirational speech that lays down a timeline of past, present and future.
Actor TM G Kumar delivered the 15 min long Keynote Address on success and what makes for continued success - the 3 D's of diligence, determination and discipline. Peppered with humour and his own life story as an example, it was indeed an inspirational speech that the audience quietly absorbed.
The Casting Director (Table topic master) TM Mathen was auditioning for prospective future stars from amongst guest artists and he gave 4 of them topics to speak on in order to judge their capabilities. All passed with flying colours, so he must have been at a dead loss. Good topics, though.
DTM Srikumar Pai, one of the founders of Toasmastering in Oman and author of Gavel Clubs, is about to bid farewell to Oman and shared a few of his nostalgic thoughts with us. We wish his all the best in his retired life.
Critical Appraisal (Evaluation) for the P-9 speech was given by DTM Rajendra Verma and that for the Keynote Address was given by DTM Ramki. Both lauded the efforts of the speakers for their delivery skills and their efforts for meeting their project criteria and gave valid suggestions for improvement.
Actor TM Aji Bhaskar, who was supposed to fly down from Dubai to give a "roasting" speech at the session, had to drop out due to family reasons and sent a video clip of himself addressing the gathering, which was very well-received. Missed you, Aji.
Editor (Grammarian) MTM Kaviya gave a comprehensive feedback on English usage, concentrating in particular on good usage of English exhibited during the session, which was much appreciated by the audience.
International Film Critic (General Evaluator) TM Kamil gave a feedback on the entire session in his usual direct yet polite style that brooked no nonsense from anybody.
There was a Flashback presentation by VP-PR TM Rajat Ray that showcased in 5 mins the performance of the club in the last 2 years - the special sessions done, initiatives taken and laurels won. Membership has also grown, which is always a sign that the club members are doing things right.
The highlight of the session was the Award Ceremony, which covered 3 areas:
- Pinning of members who had completed CC (MTM Panna) and CLs (TMs Rajat and Chaitanya)
- Awarding "Centurion" certificates to 7 founder members who have carried on to this 100th session.
- The normal session awards which were disposed as follows:
- Best Speaker: TM Rajat (finally jointly shared by TM Rajat and TM Kumar)
- Best Evaliator: DTM Ramki
- Best topic speaker: MTM Radha
- Best Supporting Role: MTM Kaviya (Grammarian)
Executive Producer wrapped up the session after a cake had been cut and group photos taken, A sumptuous Mumtaz Mahal buffet was laid out which the audience did full justice to.
A memorable evening indeed, something which will be etched in the audiences minds for days to come.
Keep the flag flying high RTC!
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