Quote of the Day

If you have nothing to say, better say it quickly.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Session 139 - RTC turns three

RTC turned 3 on 19th Sep.

For those who had been present at birth, it was an emotional day indeed and for all others, it was a day of celebration.

This was mystery session, where the Agenda itself did not reveal the names of the role-players, including TMOD. Only the President did not hide. So everyone attending was all agog at this abundance of cryptic clues, because the role-players were named as "Doctor", "Copywriter" etc.

The session was kicked off by SAA Viswanath at 3.18 pm with a suitable quotation from Neil Armstrong.

President TM Rajat congratulated the club for completing its baby steps for 3 years. He then related a story of the two wolves - the good and the bad - who fight inside us, the winning wolf being the one whom we decide to feed. This meant that whichever habits we allowed to form through repeated behaviour will contribute to defining our character and our destiny. So let us behave responsibly and feed the good wolf.

TMOD, the "Doctor" turned out to be TM G Kumar, who got this nickname by virtue of having played the role of a doctor in a mini-film in Tamil. His theme today was "Surprise" and indeed he kept up the element of surprise throughout the role-player introductions. He had also asked three questions to the role-players : (a) what was a surprising moment for him/her, (b) what was the most thrilling movie he/she had seen, (c) what does the word surprise mean to him/her - whose answers formed the introduction of the role-player.

[As he mentioned later in the session, even an approach like this can be the TMODs theme, without having a full-fledged presentation on a subject, as introducing the role-players is the primary function of the TMOD].

The Timer seat was occupied by TM Raja, but in the usual twist, the "Curious Kid" turned out to be MTM Niral, who explained all timing criteria clearly and succinctly, with the aid of a green highlighter, a yellow pencil and a red paper!

The Word-master was named "Detective" as his favourite thriller was a Tamil movie by that name and up walked TM Viswanath with the word CRYPTIC, in keeping with the theme. The round robin speakers were chosen through an antakshari of the member names, which was quite innovative.

Joke master was a "Gold Hunter" who came to Muscat expecting pavements to be lined with gold bricks but was suitably disappointed. TM Bhaskaran delivered jokes we had not heard earlier and his laughing delivery added to the humour.

The Evaluator for today's L1P2 speech was described as a "Scientist" who decided to become a CA after pursuing science. TM Venkat delivered the criteria for the upcoming Level 1 Project 2 speech in a relaxed manner.

The speaker was a "Visitor" as he kept switching jobs between India and Oman. TM Sabu delivered his L1P2 speech for the first time, describing his trip to Shimla-Kulu-Manali, and taking us trekking through the snowy fields for some time.

Table topics was conducted by the "Copywriter" who had won a slogan contest from Bournevita during the World Cup in 1983. TM Sethuraman set out short and pithy topics where speakers could speak from their own experience. A lovely round actually.

TM Venkat gave his evaluation of the L1P2 speech, clearly pointing out good points and areas of improvement.

Wordmaster TM Viswa gave his report (first time in the club, but a good practice to start). Not many uses of the word CRYPTIC and he pointed out a couple of missed opportunities.

Ah Counter and Grammarian role was played by "Bond 007", for his ability to slip into any role. TM Rajat today withheld negative comments, saying that 3-year olds should not be scolded on their birthdays, and gave only an Ah-count and good usage of words report.

Harkmaster TM Ramalingam was the "Lucky person" and he asked a number of questions in detail that were answered quite comfortably by the crowd. So they were all awake after all.

The GE role was played by the "All rounder". Who else was up for any job at any time but MTM Panna? She gave a detailed review of every role, ending with a few suggestions:
  • Wordmaster - to hold up the word till role-player sees it and uses it
  • Evaluation - to present his perspective and not speak on behalf of the audience
  • Speech - powerpoint can be kept ready so that there is no distraction
  • Kamil - hand in pocket can be avoided
  • Rajat - slow down rate of speech
  • Harkmaster - Jokes related to gender/wife to be reduced/avoided
  • Things to avoid while role-player is speaking:
    • People coming in going out (wait for claps)
    • People talking among themselves
    • People interacting with role-player
Business session was conducted by the "Saviour", who has bailed out the club on many occasions, including venue. TM Chaitanya volunteered to be TMOD for the next session with TM Venkat slated to deliver his P-10 speech. 

There was a surprise program today (being a day of mysteries and surprises) of an interview to be held for a famous personality. TM Rajat hosted a talk-show "Relax with Rajat" (on the lines of "Koffee with Karan") and interviewed TM Babu Srinivasan, who, apart from being a Toastmaster, is a scriptwriter and actor in Tamil telefilms. It was interesting for the audience to know more about this aspect of Babu Srinivasan. The session ended with a rapid-fire round to the guest which he successfully negotiated and was presented with a gift.

The session drew to a close with the announcement of the awards:
  • Best Speaker:       TM Sabu (default)
  • Best Evaluator:    TM Venkat (default)
  • Best Table topic:  TM Chaitanya
  • Best Role player:  TM Viswanath (Wordmaster)

The session closure was followed by two birthday cakes - one for RTC sponsored by TM Kamil and another for TM Chaitanya, who also celebrates his birthday today, baked by TM Rita. As one of TM Sethu's table topics said: "Let life be short, but let it be sweet."

See you all next session on 28th September 2018.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Session 138

All days are good, but some days are better. Today's session had a special feel to it. 

It could have been the attendance - all chairs and sofas were full. It could have been the presence of Division Directors Jameel Shakeel and Namira. It could have been the four guests who graced the occasion. Or it could have been the red lapels on TM Chaitanya's frock-coat as he delivered his speech. Whatever it was, it added a sparkle to today's session.

SAA TM Viswanath kicked off on time with an energetic start. 

President Rajat this time did not embark on a story. Instead he spoke about IKIGAI, a Japanese word meaning "a reason for being", something that makes life feel worthwhile. As per books, that happens  when four dimensions of life - what we love, what we are good at, what we are paid to do and what the world needs - come together in our lives and make us feel fulfilled and useful to the world.

TMOD Swati Tanna, the ever-smiling spirit, launched the session with the theme "Last minute". She introduced all role players by asking them their reaction in various last-minute situations, which were very entertaining to the audience. Good work there TMOD.

Timer role was played by TM G Kumar and the rules were clearly spelt out by him.

Wordmaster TM Shahnavas introduced the word RECTITUDE to the audience, enhancing his role by playing a small video illustrating different uses of the word as well as making us aware of the pronunciation. A nice innovation there.

Jokemaster MTM Vaishali's first joke was a real life funny situation just after her marriage. She also related a few more jokes that were very amusing.

Criteria for P8 speech scheduled to be delivered today were shared by evaluator TM Rajat. The theme being use of visual aids, he emphasised the need to use visual aids in a supportive way.

P8 speech was delivered by TM Chaitanya titled "Circus of Life". Describing the life in a circus and highlighting the downward spiral this industry went through, we were drawn into his story of a circus owner by his dress and the props used. It was inspired storytelling.

A Pathways Level 1 Project 2 Speech 2 was also scheduled where the evaluator TM Venkat described his expectations. This level of speech had been delivered by the speaker earlier on which the earlier evaluator had suggested points of improvement. Today, we have to witness whether those points had been incorporated.

This speech was delivered by TM Bhaskar titled "Free Offers".  He described the various schemes available in the market and how they can be effectively utilized by buyers like us.

Table topics were conducted by MTM Niral and had an interesting array of topics. They were attempted well by all, including senior guests like DD Namira.

Evaluation for both the speeches were delivered by TM Rajat and TM Vankat respectively, appreciating the strong points and highlighting areas of improvement.

Ah Counter and Grammarian MTM Panna lamented at the high incidence of 47 Ahs and similar fuzzy words. She also listed improvements required in grammar as well as good word usage.

General Evaluator TM Ramalingam praised all the role players in his inimitable humorous style. However, he requested the audience to reduce chit-chat while the role players were speaking.

Business session was conducted by VP-E TM Chaitanya, who encouraged the members to participate in the upcoming contests. He also reminded members the minimum rule for the International Contest, which is at least P6 as per the old curriculum and at least Level 2 as per Pathways. Members interested to be International Speech contestants are requested to complete these at the earliest. They will be accorded Green Channel for speech dates.

President Rajat presented the Guest Welcome Kit to the first-time guest. He invited Division Director Jameel Shakeel to say a few words. DD encouraged the club to forge ahead on all fronts and to especially focus on DCP points for the club as well as the upcoming contests.

The session closed with distributing awards, group photo and snacks.
  • Best Speaker :    TM Chaitanya
  • Best Evaluator:  TM Rajat
  • Best Table Topic:  Guest Mr Yashpal Mehta
  • Best Role Player:  TM Shahnavas

MTM Panna was also felicitated with her certificate for having completed Level 1 in Pathways.

See you all nest Saturday on 22.9.18.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Session 137

The session was kicked off by SAA TM Raja at 3.10 pm. As usual, he started the session with a witty quote to increase our interest in the session.

The welcome address was delivered by President TM Rajat who related a humorous story as to how a drunken friend faced with an impossible situation with his wife kept his mind peaceful by deciding that the situation was his choice. When there is no alternative, it is best to imagine that we are part of the decision and hence in control.

There were 5 guests present today, who were introduced and handed over Guest Welcome Kits.

TMOD Bhaskaran gave us a treat today. With a theme of Chef, he actually shared recipes and cooking tips with us, including cooking up a jeera-rice meal on the spot! Kudos, TMOD.

Timer was a mystery timer, played by DTM Varma, who had very kindly carried an automated timing device from his trip to TMI USA. This will indeed make our task far easier, DTM and we are touched that you had us in mind even when so far away. Thank you once again.

Jokemaster role was played by TM Shanavas, who for a change, shared real life situations from the hospitality industry, which were hilarious, to say the least.

TM Kamil was Wordmaster of the day and introduced the word PERCEIVE. Being a relatively easy word, all could use it.

Evaluation criteria for the upcoming level 1 speech was described by TM Chaitanya, in his usual succinct style.

MTM Panna Ray delivered her Level 1 speech on Research and Presentation, titled "Child from the Heart", based on the phenomenon of adoption. We gathered a lot of information on adoption trends in India and the world. Thanks for choosing an interesting topic and illuminating us.

DTM Rajendra Varma shared with us his experience of having attended the TMI Convention in Chicago in Aug 2018 and having witnessed the International Speech finals as well. His speech was aptly titled "Mecca of Toastmasters". As per him, for Toastmasters, it is a once in a lifetime experience and not to be missed.

Table Topics were conducted by TM Ramalingam, who chose topics that were connected to food or love - both nourishing matter. The speakers, including guests, gave a very good try at them.

Evaluation of MTM Panna's speech was carried out by TM Chaitanya, who highlighted clearly her good points and her areas of improvement.

General Evaluator MTM Niral gave a comprehensive feedback on the session, in a gentle tone, which was well received by all role-players.

Business session was conducted by VP-E TM Chaitanya. Next session's TMOD was finalised as MTM Swati and two speakers TM Bhaskaran and TM Chaitanya volunteered. Three cheers for them!

Predident Rajat delivered his closing remarks, but not before he educated the club on DCP points and the club's goal of achieving President's Distinguished status this year. Let's go for it, folks!

The day's winners were:
  • Best Speaker:   MTM Panna (default)
  • Best Evaluator:    TM Chaitanya (default)
  • Best Table topic:  MTM Swati
  • Best Role player:  TM Kamil (Word Master)
See you all again at the same venue on 15.9.2018.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Session 136 - Installation and Moments of Truth

This was a special session.

Not that other sessions are not special - every session in RTC is special in its own way - but this was not a normal session.

Amazingly, this un-normal session happened to host the maximum number of guests so far, including 2 young Gavelliers, who reduced the average age of the group significantly. Hopefully we will see the guests grace our venue in future as well.

There were two important club processes planned today - installation of the new Ex-com and conducting the Moments of Truth exercise. Both of these were supervised by the Area Director KSN Murthy.

The session was kicked off by the SAA TM Viswa at 3.00 pm.

This being a special occasion, TM Kumar had agreed to be the MC. He gave the opening address and conducted the program for the day.

Installation ceremony:
The AD recognised and thanked the Excom who had been in charge during 2018-19 and relieved them of their duties.

He then called upon the stage the new Ex-com. Each of them took oath of office with the gavel in hand and were awarded their office-bearer pins by the AD.

The new Ex-com is as follows:

  1. SAA - TM Viswanath
  2. Treasurer - TM Bhaskaran
  3. Secretary - MTM Swati Tanna
  4. VP-PR - TM Ramalingam
  5. VP-M - TM Venkat
  6. VP-E - TM Chaitanya Khimji
  7. President - TM Rajat Ray
  8. Immediate Past President - MTM Panna Rashmi Ray
We welcome the new Ex-com and encourage them to take the club to greater heights.

Moments of Truth session:
This is a critical process, usually conducted once a year in the club, wherein members give feedback as to how the club is functioning and what are the areas of improvement. It was the first time this was being conducted in RTC since its inception in Sep 2015.

AD gave a small presentation on the process, since this is an activity well-defined in the TMI manual. TMI recommends 6 areas where feedback should be taken, covering member introduction, education, session management, membership buildup etc. The members (and guests as observers) were split into 3 groups, each discussing 2 areas. A representative from each group then made presentations summarizing the improvement areas.

The improvement areas would be circulated later to the Ex-com by the Secretary.

Overall this was a very revealing and motivating exercise. It was felt that it should be held twice a year instead of once.

The President concluded the session by thanking AD for his guidance, to the new Ex-com for having committed themselves to the club and to all members present for having given their frank feedback.
Tea and snacks followed.