Every Saturday, a bunch of people park at Sultan Centre with no intent of shopping. They have an intent look on their faces and to all intents and purposes their focus on learning is intense.
The SAA, TM Viswanathan, called the meeting to order and started the ball rolling.
The acting President, TM Rajat, promoted out of turn by the non-availability of the President (who was giving a speech every week) and the VP-E (who was of of country) and the VP-M (who was out of action for this session), related the story of two monks, one of whom nonchalantly gave a lift (literally) to a lady, thus messing up the mind of the other monk for a long time. Physical baggage (like the lady) is easy to put down but mental baggage (like the other monk's agitation) has a more tenacious hold (thumbs up for using the word-of-the-day!).
TMOD Somakumar had chosen as his theme "Healthy Living". He gave us controlled doses of knowledge as to what constitutes healthy food (it being a vast subject), ending with how to buy healthy vegetables. A pretty informative and interesting session by the TMOD.
The timing criteria were laid down by TM Bhaskaran.
The word of the day was TENACIOUS and was introduced by MTM Swati, who had been careful with her choice of words, being aware that the word needed ease of application in the round robin. This was indeed the case and everyone could make their version of sentence with the word.
Jokemaster MTM Vaishali, on furlough from her favourite duty as timer, indeed related a few funny ones to us. Internet provides material but the editorial - choice of what to present - is important.
There was an ACB manual speech slated today and TM Babu Srinivasan, our Area Director, laid down the criteria of this particular speech. It was to be a touching story, with the necessary, plot, characters, climax and resolution.
MTM Panna delivered her ACB speech titled "Love". A story of an unsuitable marriage and the tenacious love of mother and daughter (another thumbs up!), it put the audience in a sombre and introspective mood.
Table topics were different today, in that this was to be a practice session for DTM Ramki, who was representing Division D at the DTAC in Table topics. Topicmaster TM Sethuraman presented challenging topics for DTM Ramki to chew upon, but he gulped them down in a jiffy and regurgitated TT speeches of high quality. The audience gave a few feedbacks on his speeches and wished him all the best for the competition.
TM Babu Srinivasan evaluated the ACB speech delivered by MTM Panna. While appreciating the story and the delivery, he suggested that a story needed more pauses for dramatic effect and it should have a message in the end.
The General Evaluator TM Venkat was generous in his feedback, except for suggesting that the Jokemaster would be more accomplished if the jokes were not read out.
Area Director TM Babu Srinivasan presented the club with two ribbons - the Distinguished Club Award 2017-18 and the Fast Track CL Award 2017-18 - amidst much cheering.
The Acting President drew the session to a close after announcing the day's awards:
- Best speaker: MTM Panna (default)
- Best evaluator: TM Babu Srinivasan (default)
- Best Table topic: DTM Ramki (default)
- Best Role player: MTM Swati, Wordmaster
See you all next session on 28.4.18.