This was the 48th session and we wanted to crank it up!
Well, the engine caught after some misfiring. Misfiring because some of the project speech contenders bowed out, leaving only one P-5 speech standing. Recovery was on account of an unexpected Education Session conducted by MTM Meenakshi of MMTC club. So all in all, a successful evening.
The session was kicked off by SAA TM Ramalingam 2 minutes before time (no key-less situation this time) He took up his usual role with aplomb, shooting off a homily about the secret of success and introducing the Acting President with a barrage of accolades.
Acting President MTM Panna related another Presidential story with glee, about a mouse who, having seen a mousetrap bought by the farmer, sought for but found no help from his farmyard friends. However, by a strange turn of events, the farmyard friends were slaughtered one-by-one while the mouse stayed alive. Our lives are interwoven in a cosmic tapestry and when helping others, we are probably helping ourselves. She went on to identify with the said mouse and sought help from everybody in volunteering for project speeches and role plays. Nicely tied up madam. We will do our best to move the cheese your way...
TMOD Saleem had chosen as his theme CHARITY. A serious theme, but close to everyone's heart as all of us do realise the importance of charity and contribute in some way. TMOD gave us a small lecture on the different modes of charity and then went on to introduce every role player mentioning his or her particular views on charity and their form of involvement. A very noteworthy session, TM Saleem, seeing that you are only one speech old. Kudos!
Timekeeper TM Raja, who takes up any role with utmost sincerity, gave a copybook lecture on the rules of time-keeping.
Wordmaster TM Chaitanya had chosen as his word INCORRIGIBLE. His expose on the word was extremely well covered and the round robin was a hilarious litany of in how many ways humans could be incorrigible! He also made a first-of-its-kind request of making "meaningful" sentences, that would bring out the meaning of the word from the sheer sentence construction. Good point, TM.
Jokemaster MTM Swati, her own smile lighting up the room, took happy digs at men, women and marriage, an evergreen topic. Nice ones, MTM, and thanks for lightening our mood.
Coming to serious matters, there was a P-5 speech to be delivered by TM Rajat, whose goal is to make Your Body Speak. TM Kumar, as evaluator, first explained the goals of the speech and evaluation criteria to the audience.The focus of the speech was to be on stance, movement, gestures, facial expressions and eye contact.
Project speech 5, titled "Lust for Life" and delivered by TM Rajat, was based on his efforts at trying to learn oil painting. It was delivered in a humorous manner, and being based on his own experiences, carried conviction. The speech met most of the requirements of a P-5 speech. TM Kumar, in his evaluation later on, while appreciating stance, movements and gestures, suggested improvements in facial expressions and eye contact. Will be kept in mind, TM Kumar.
An Education Session was scheduled today, conducted by MTM Meenakshi of MMTC club. It gave a proper perspective of why the roles are there and how they are to be conducted, both in the club session and out of it. In fact, she drew from her own experience and gave us helpful tips as to how to enrich the club roles and make it more interesting for both the role player as well as the audience. The base message was, no role is insignificant, and there is always scope to play it to the hilt. Thanks you MTM Meenakshi for that session.
Table topics were played out by TM Viswanath and played out very smoothly, since his topics were almost proverbial and easy to speak on. I am sure you made everyone happy, TM Viswanath.
Harkmaster MTM Kavita caught us by the collar with her barrage of quick-fire questions, but the audience was ready for any challenge and answered them all in one way or another. It is a big relief to have answerable questions, MTM. Thank you.
Grammarian TM Venkat started his comments almost like a GE, then slipped into his grammarian gown, pointing out good English of MTM Panna and a few misdemeanors of other speakers, before wrapping up quickly, ready to duck the angry shoe. No tension, TM, we are all ready to know the worst about ourselves without resorting to violence!
General Evaluator MTM Rita surprised and impressed us with a very balanced and penetrating analysis of should and should not have beens. She also suggested that we look at adopting the practice of evaluators/timekeepers/grammarians being introduced by GE and so on, which is also an accepted practice. This change may be debated later.
Business session was conducted by MTM Panna. She reiterated the need to volunteer for roles and speeches. She also pointed out that if we are to gun for a club ribbon (10 points required), we have to complete 4 CCs (4 people who will complete all 10 speeches) and 2 CLs (2 peple who will complete all required roles). We have to examine whether this is feasible in the 14 sessions remaining.
Additional point: The CL manual has to be filled up. Members are requested to refer to the Role History table in the blog, note down when they did what role, and first fill up the LAST PAGE of the CL manual, preferably in pencil. You can keep in mind that in some cases only 2 out of 3 roles in a category need to be completed and fill accordingly. Please note that one role-play can be filled against only one entry. For example, if I have played Grammarian once on 4.8.16, I cannot mention it in all 3 places for the same date - I should have played it thrice. The corresponding sessions inside the book can then also be filled in, evaluated and authenticated by VPE or some other senior member.
MTM Panna continued as Acting President and closed the session, inviting all to tea and samosas.
The day's awards were:
- Best Speaker: TM Rajat
- Best Evaluator : TM Kumar
- Best Topic speaker: MTM Kaviya
Please note that the 50th session celebrations will actually be held on the 51st session date (ie 15.10.16) - same time same place.
See you all again on 1.10.16.
Please do not miss this because the 2nd RTC Debate Session is taking place that day.