The mercury is climbing and the members are debating whether to venture out into the open at noon. Buck up guys, especially those finding it difficult to come - your attendance is a must for having the optimum level of fun!
Today's session was dynamic and participative, as is usual with the Ruwi Club. SAA Ramlingam kicked off with his effective homily and soon our President Aji Bhaskar was relating an inspirational story of how the famous violinist Joshua Bell played practically unnoticed in a busy Washington subway for 45 minutes, ignored by most, except for a kid. If his talent can be missed, imagine how many wonderful things we may be casually passing by in our humdrum lives. Look around, take notice and be inspired, people.
TMOD Karthik had decided as this theme FORGIVE AND FORGET, highlighting the importance of this attitude in remaining peaceful. He introduced each role-player with an incident where he or she had been called upon to let bygones be bygones and how he/she had handled it. An interesting theme, TMOD and a good job done.
Timekeeper Rajat was introduced. Apart from relating the rules, he talked about a childhood incident that highlighted the importance of analog (dial-face) watches over digital watches. (Those interested to know more may contact him directly please).
Jokemaster TM Chaitanya related a number of jokes that we had not heard earlier and they were really hilarious. Good ones, TM Chaitanya, with ending made more unexpected by your deadpan deliveries.
Wordmaster TM John introduced the word VINDICATE. Apart from the round robin where everyone tried their hand, the role players also made an effort to incorporate the word in their speeches, though it was tough.
TM Ramalingam described the P2 evaluation criteria, which was followed by the P2 speech by TM Ananth. With a topic of REINCARNATION, this was expected to be interesting and TM Ananth did not disappoint, structuring his speech around questions, facts and experimental findings. We kept talking about the subject around the tea-table, so kudos TM Ananth at having delivered a memorable speech.
Table topics were conducted by MTM Swati, following the theme of Forgive & Forget and the five speakers had something definite to say on the subject, so all enjoyed the session.
Evaluation by TM Ramalingam appreciated the positive aspects of TM Ananth's speech, while suggesting improvements in stage usage.
General evaluation was conducted by TM Venkat. He, together with President later on, pointed out that time adherence, especially starting delay, needs to be attended to, though part of it was caused by role-players arriving late. Moreover, the Wordmaster needed to ensure that the word was hung on the walls at strategic locations, for role-players to see while speaking.
We adjourned for tea and vada (mehdu vada this time, instead of daal vada, all credit to SAA).
Awards for the day were:
Best Speaker: No award since one speaker.
Best Table topic: TM Venkat
Best Evaluator: No award since one evaluator
See you all on 4.6.16.