The 29th session of Ruwi club, the first one after the Division D contest, was in a upbeat mood. As Kumar said in his Sergeant-at-Arms speech, the continuous efforts of everybody at self-development had borne fruit in this club in the form of Panna winning an award for her speech in Div-D contest.
President Aji Bhasker continued his series on effective habits by listing three more - "Think win-win", "Seek first to understand and then be understood" and "Synergise". He ended with an admonishment to continue the habits consciously: "Sharpen the saw" as it were.
TMOD Kamil had chosen Inspiration as his theme and introduced each speaker with a brief on what role Inspiration had played in his life, either as an inspirer or inspiree. He did a very efficient job overall, keeping the flow of narrative alive.
Jokemaster Venkat made everyone laugh at his jokes; his own smile was perhaps the broadest and most infectious.
Grammarian-cum-Wordmaster Rajat introduced the word "Inveterate" into the session and exhorted everyone to try and use it. It was challenging but it did get squeezed in 4-5 times by the inveterate role-players.
TM Gagan delivered his P3 speech "Your Choice" on the general purpose of work-leisure balancing. His easy manner of delivery is always a pleasure to hear. Aji Bhaskar was the evaluator and he urged him to focus on specific points as well.
We had a guest speaker MTM Jyoti Ruparel from SAB club, who delivered an international speech "The Ambassador". It was truly a first class speech and all evaluator Kumar could suggest was to introduce some pauses in appropriate places.
Table topics were played out by TM Karthik. For once he stuck to If-then scenarios which gave speakers a chance to express their fancies and fantasies, without having to worry about what the topic actually meant. Good job there, Karthik.
Grammarian Rajat gave a feedback on the usage of English by the speakers, which was a bit of a tense affair for him. But the points were well taken by all participants and they parted friends.
General evaluator MTM Panna, in the midst of smiling banter, drove home a few well-justified points to the role-players. We shall keep them in mind, madam, next time.
Best speaker was not awarded as TM Gagan had no competitor today. Evaluators Kumar and Aji are, of course, beyond Club session awards. Best Table Topic speaker award went to MTM Jyoti Ruparel.
Business session saw a few roles being fixed for the 30th session:
TMOD - TM Rajat
P3 speech - MTM Panna (evaluator ?)
P1 speech - TM Chaitanya Khimji (Evaluator TM Gagan)
Table topics - MTM Rita Khimji
Balance roles are to be decided.
The Tea and Snacks were excellent (thank you SAA), as was the conversation around the snacks table. Till next week then - and let's cajole some more of the missing members to the gathering.